Originally Posted By: Fame
Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Lilo

But my understanding is that the President isn't supposed to bow to anyone.

That is absolutely true. We discussed this a bit when Obama bowed before Saudi royalty.

Was it in this thread?

I think so. It was soon after Obama attended the summit in London. I'm guessing it was the early summer.

I'm sure there are instances of presidents bowing and I don't mean to imply that a president shouldn't show a suitable sign of respect. I don't mean to sound arrogant about a president not bowing as I would not and should not expect a world leader- or anyone for that matter- to bow before a US President.

We are not subjects, but free people, who have fought for the principles of freedom and equality. Bowing before those whose authority comes from birthright alone contradicts and insults the principles of equality. I think a handshake and a nod of the head would be fitting for the emperor. There's no need to bestow more reverence on him than he would a freely elected head of state.

I don't think the bow is earthshattering, and wouldn't mind it at all if the emperor bowed making it a mutual show of respect.