Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Maybe it keeps a mans face warm in the Winter?

A beard won't keep your face warmer; in fact, it may even make it feel colder because your exhaled air may freeze on it.

Dear SC,
I was a cable splicer for 6 years, outside, up on poles, always exposed to the weather. I had a full beard and it kept my face warm and my lips weren't chapped. In the summer it did not make me hot either. When I was promoted to engineer I kept my beard, but trimmed it. My daughter was born and only knew me with a beard. When she was two or three I shaved the beard. She wouldn't talk to me and was mad at me.

If you look at a pictorial succession of Presidents, you see many with beards or mustaches. Could you see Obama with a beard?

I shave every other day. Mainly because its gray.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12