I seriously should write a book about my life, shit just never stops happening.

On Saturday morning at around 6am, two friends and I were leaving a party. I was tired from the booze and lack of sleep at home (Tatum still won't sleep through the night yet) and my friend felt he was sober enough to drive me back home. Due to my sleepiness, I hopped in the car and didn't put on a seat belt. After about 10 mins, we were cruising down the highway when outta no where this other car pulls out of the service station, across three lanes and my friend crashes into the car, sending me flying outta my seat and my head crashing into the windshield. The windshield shatters and I fall back into my seat in a lot of pain. Both cars were destroyed. I hop out of the car and stumble on to the curb and it isn't long before the cops arrive etc etc. My friend was over the limit and got taken away. Lost his license for a year. I caught a taxi home and stayed awake to see how I felt. Massive migraine, perhaps minor concussion, but friggin' lucky!~!!!!

It never ends. I must sound like I talk so much shit on here since I've revealed a lot of shit over the last couple years haha

The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It's the same thing, fear, but it's what you do with it that matters. Cus D'Amato