Look, it's pretty simple. Mig's statement about 72 virgins was probably intended to be facetious. However, I figured that there were Board members who would read it and think that the Koran actually says that. I posted to correct such a thought. On the other hand, if she considered that she was stating fact, then I would expect that she had read that part of the Koran which presents that staement in context. It would be so onerous for we Board members to footnote our posts. So, we don't. Board members are thus free to accept a post's content as fact, not fact, opinion, etc. Many of us post "facts" about the inner workings of the Mafia although none of us (as far as I know) is or ever was a member of it. But, hopefully, those posts are based on something more than just a film or two.

Terrorism? Don't we first have to know intent? If Hasan murdered people in order to convey this message: "There's nowhere you Americans can go (even on an Army base) that is safe for you", then, yes, he committed terrorism. In the absence of same, it's not terrorism.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."