Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

I eagerly await Don Cardi's response.

Perhaps you've missed my many many posts over the years Capo. Or maybe you just chose to ignore them. I have always been pretty even keeled as far as one's religious beliefs go no matter what religion it may be or have been. If you go back and re-read some of my posts over the years you will find that I haven't knocked the Muslim religion itself. When talking about terrorism I have made reference to those who are terrorists as religious extremists. And if the discussion was specifically about those terrorists who CLAIMED to be believers in the muslim faith, I did not generalize the Muslim religion as a whole in those specific discussion as being a bad or hypocritic religion, but once again addressed them as Islamic Extremeists.

There are extremists in every and all religions, not just in one specific one.

As for Mignon's remark about the 72 Virgins, well I believe that she makes a statement like that generalizing Islamic Extremists because it was the extrmisits who claimed to be Islamic that said that there were 72 virgins awaiting them in the garden of Allah after they carried out the will of Allah by murdering and terrorizing those who did NOT adhere to their extremist beliefs.

I believe that Mignon was making a generalized statement based on statements and claims made by Islamic Terrorists extremeists. You on the other hand made a reply to her earlier remark and took a general shot at Christianity as a whole.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.