Babe makes some good points that illustrate why lynch mobs were so prevalent (apparently) in the old west. Hasan was born in Virginia of what we believe at this point to be middle-eastern descent and his family is from Jordan. Now, middle eastern descent subsumes alot of different ethnicities which alot of Americans fail to acknowlege (like the difference between a Napolitan and a Sicilian). His communications with other middle-easterners has not yet been publicized, but only paraphrased. As I posted above, all of our information is coming to us through the filter of the media. I'd rather wait until the evidence against him is made public before I draw any conclusions about motivations.

And a note to Capo: "sociological crises"? Madonne! No, murder. That doesn't seem in doubt at this point.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."