Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
First of all, he can't be an Arab anything. He was born in the United States, which makes him American. He was Muslim, but he was not Arab. And was he a Muslim extremist? Only time will tell.

Also, what makes you think that, just because he was smart, he wasn't "sick"? And he had a medical degree, he didn't have a doctorate, to my knowledge, although it's not out of the question that the man might have had both. And he had a TEMPER TANTRUM??? He slaughtered innocent people because he was having a BAD DAY??

Oh, and please, Rush Limbaugh cited as a source?? Really??

First- You have Black African Muslims, Black American Muslims, Arab Muslims and Arab American Muslims. Hasan sure don't look like a brotha to me.

Second- From what I've read is Hasan did have his double d.

Also, my grandfather once said "you can't be a more prouder American than a Sicilian one," which I agree with. So, It surprises me as a fellow Sicilian that you would have sympathy for this bastard. You're even trying to make excuses for his evil behavior. Also a babe to me is a woman that is not just beautiful on the in, but has a beautiful personality as well.

Hasan had a temper tantrum because he hates Americans, and wanted to kill some and did so. He's an evil piece of crap, not a nice person.

Third- Rush is right!!!!!!!!!!