Originally Posted By: DiMaggio68
I agree with you Turnball. The total left are trying to say this guy was sick, which I think is bull shit. The guy was a damn doctor for crying out loud. Do you know how smart you gotta be to get your doctoral degree? So, this punk is not loco in the head, he is a terrorist that had a temper tantrum.




So you're saying that a doctor can't go.....nuts? BTW, are you able to make Dr. Hannibal Lecter's appointment next week? He's so anxious to have lunch with you. smile

The right is spinning this as a Al Qaeda sleeper agent, that all Muslims in the military want to blow everyone up* and can't be trusted at all. The left is spinning that this is everything but a religious nutjob this side of those abortion shooters/bombers.

I have no ideological investment.

*=A recent result of that paranoia: A guy in full garb and didn't speak English got the shit beaten out of him by a soldier over in Illinois because the soldier thought the foreigner was a terrorist.

He was revealed to be a Greek Orthodox priest who was lost. frown