Originally Posted By: DiMaggio68
Did you read the latest news about this guy Hasan? He is a total al-qeada supporter.

I take it you read this from the New York Post.

So far there is no indication that he has any ties to any terror network.

Just someone who went gun-happy psycho like a post office worker (with the ethnic/religious stuff a red herring) or he acted as a psycho terrorist on his own dime and time.

I think its the latter.

Originally Posted By: DiMaggio68
They should wait until he gets better, and then torture the SOB.

Yes, just like the Viet Cong, Nazis, Soviets, North Koreans all did to our guys.

We're a civilized government, or would like to think we are compared to those regimes.

EDIT - Baiting for Mr. Capo, Baiting for Mr. Capo, please come to the front desk...

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 11/11/09 11:41 PM.