This excellent article from entitled "Why the Phillies lost the World Series" (there's also one "Why the Yankees won the WS") motivated an excellent discussion that puts to rest any claim that Phillies fans are stupid. one of them made a great point about Jimmy Rollins that makes me understand Charlie Manuel's moves a bit more:

"Platoons and flexible/undefined roles work with some players, but rarely with the elite ones. Manuel knows that you get the most out of players like Rollins, year-in and year-out when they have an absolutely fixed role, and know they have the manager’s full support through all the inevitable slumps."

basically that's why the Phillies might stick with J-Roll at leadoff and why Manuel doesn't move Howard down in the order against lefties.

another guy points out that the Phillies hit far more extra base hits than the Yankees and that both pitching staffs played similar roles in the WS except for the Godfather Mariano Rivera, and that he (Rivera) and the fact that the Phillies' line drives, deep flies and hard hit grounders went direclty to someone's glove instead of dropping in between fielders are the main reasons why Philadelphia lost. I'm not sure that's right but it's very interesting.

those Phillie fans deinitely know about baseball!

Last edited by Tony Mosrite; 11/09/09 09:50 AM. Reason: missing words :p

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk