So I hear more and more people use the term "Real Fan", as in "a real fan would know about it" and "a real fan would not say something like that" and "you give real fans a bad name" etc etc.

What's a REAL fan?

Someone who loves the team/player regardless of whether they're winning or losing?

Someone who concentrates more on loving his team rather than hating its rivals?

What about attending games? is that a factor? if you only watch on TV - are you a real fan?

Here's the deal. I've got a friend who lives in L.A and is a Lakers fan. He watches every game he can, and of course he wouldnt miss a second of the playoffs. BUT he never leaves the sofa. He has only been to one Lakers game his whole life. It's not a question of money. He's not short of anything, he simply says he's enjoying it more on TV.

Is he not a real fan because of that?

And dont forget to vote!

What sort of fan are you?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 11/06/09 09:18 PM
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"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)