Originally Posted By: J Geoff

"They", here, say to keep our gas heat at 68 in the Fall/Winter... I'm like, um... noooooooo, tried that (for like an hour), and then tried 70. Still no good. Trying 71 now. whistle lol

But don't get me wrong... I HATE "HOT" houses during the winter! I'm a sweater, and would rather not have to sweat during the cold months, thanks! lol

But 85 ???????? eek panic Is there a hotel nearby? wink

I meant at maybe 85 I'd turn my air on, not that I set the thermostat to 85. In the winter I try to keep it at 72-75 unless I'm absolutely freezing. Whoever installed thermostat set it for an "average" of 62 and it automatically drops down to 62 during the day unless I constantly override it which I do. I don't know how to change it permanently where I can control it. I figure a man must of installed it if he thinks 62 is just right. rolleyes wink


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon