The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.....the human drama of athletic competition...... Us older folks might remember those words in the opening of "Wide World of Sports". The show probably met its demise when ESPN began expanding its coverage and influence.

For some the "thrill of victory" was connected to the Yankees accomplishment. I'm a Yankee fan, but not fanatical. Professional sports has lost a lot of its "human drama of athletic competition". Its become BIG business and entertainment. Many say that the Yankees are the best team money can buy, but the Yankee organization also has the highest gross income. They play in a market where the fans have high incomes, high expectations and let's face it - the greatest city in the world.

Until baseball owners and union leadership institute salary caps you will always have a few teams buying up the better players.

I enjoy watching players like Jeter and Rivera, but I also admire good players on other teams; like Rollins, Utley and Howard.

Personally, I get more of a thrill watching the NY Marathon and see some skinny guy from Kenya cross the finish line, fall to his knees and kiss the ground. That seems more noble, thrilling and inspiring than A-rod pronouncing how wonderful his team is.....for $33 million a year.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12