Originally Posted By: klydon1

It's hard to give the award to a player on a losing team, but what's funny is that Utley had a subpar postseason until the series. Baseball is a rollercoaster type of game.

I thought of pitchers too. Pettitte was the winner of two games, but wasn't dominant. Sabathia pitched better, but was 0-1 and Rivera got his saves, but didn't have the one run situation or a really close game save. Anyway, the MVP is just icing.

There's definitely a reason for having an MVP for each round of the playoffs. But honestly, I think the MVP should be the most valuable player, regardless of whether of not their team wins. Granted, some could make the argument that if a player was so valuable that inherently it should go hand in hand with winning, but there is no doubt that Utley was the most dangerous hitter in the World Series.

Matsui was the MVP of game 6, that's for sure, but for the whole series, not so much.