Congratulations to the Yankees, and to SB, Irish, MaryCas, Geoff...and DJ, who coincidentally reappeared after the victory. wink What can I say? Sometimes the good guys don't win. grin

I Pettitte did a good job on short rest. He must use one hell of a masking agent. tongue

In a way I'm glad the season is over, and I'm sure I'll be looking forward to watching the Phillies next year as some of their young talent develops.

Some interesting points were made about the unequal advantages that baseball allows. I'd like to continue this discussion ion the thread, but I figure I'll give the Yankee fans a day or two to puff their chests.

By the way, Matsui came up with some big hits, but I'm disappointed that the MVP went to a DH, instead of a baseball player (you can tell how I feel about the DH). I mean how valuable are you if you can't beat out Swisher or Damon for a corner outfield spot. Jeter batted leadoff, hit over .400 and played a demanding position, and Damon had the hit in Game 4 that was a turning point in the series.