Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
How is your marriage holding up Kly?


We're okay although we don't discuss the series too much with each other. We had a house full of friends Sunday night, both old and young, and they were all pretty much Yankee or Phillie fans (there was a Cub fan rooting for the Yanks and a Red Sox fan pulling for the Phils). That was the only game we watched together for the first several innings. Our basement has pictures, wall hangings and other decor of the Phillies and Yankees, as well as the Steelers and Notre Dame.

My wife often falls asleep before the games end. During tense moments late in the game she always changes the channel, so she prefers to watch by herself. My kids like both teams, but my oldest and youngest are pulling for NY and my middle boy, who's turning into a sports encyclopedia is not as rabid. In fact, he told me earlier this year that if he could start over as a fan, he'd like to be a Reds fan. Go figure.