Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Apparently, my jersey and T-Shirt worked (has nothing to do with the skills of either team).

Really great game last night. Both Burnett and Pedro pitched very well. Looking forward to Saturday's game. I hear that the cast of "Glee" is singing the national anthem!

My wife wore her Jeter shirt too, but fell asleep early. Earlier (because it was trick or treat night here last night) she and someother ladies gathered at a friend's house while I passed the candy out. The kids, who were dressed as Phillies, got extra candy for me. If you're doubling up on the Jeter jerseys, SB, I'm going to double up on the pork Saturday night. grin

A very nice outing by Burnett, who was a bit better than Pedro. I loved Pedro's smile as he walked off the mound. The dream of every aspiring player is to play in the world series so you might as well enjoy it.

The Phillies just don't win Game 2s. It's good to bring the action back to Philly if for no other reason than America doesn't have to watch Rudy mugging it up behind the on deck circle. wink But, if you look behind homeplate in Philly, you can see an acquaintance of mine in the front row with gray hair and mustache, probably wearing a Phillies varsity jacket with tan sleeves.