I actually think that was neat how the Don was in the Leading category, with his three sons Michael, Santino, and (yes) Tom in the Supporting category.

But yes, Pacino and Brando are lead, and Caan and Duvall supporting.

Also this race is FAR tighter than the GFII Best Supporting Actor race with Robert De Niro, Michael V. Gazzo, and Lee Strasberg. De Niro had that oscar hands down. Also, no nomination for John Cazale? mad

Don't get me wrong- Gazzo and Strasberg were fantastic, but Cazale should have been nominated over either of them, in my opinion (preferably Strasberg).


My oscar clips for the four actors nominated for GFI.

Brando: "But I'm a superstitious man! If some unlucky accident should befall him- If he were to get shot in the head by a police officer...or if he were to hang himself in his jail cell... or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning... Then that I do NOT forgive!"

Pacino: "Only don't tell me you're innocent... Because it insults my intelligence... and it makes me very angry... Now who approached you, Tattallia or Barzini?"

Caan: "Hey... What are you gonna do? Nice college boy, huh? Didn't wanna get mixed up with the family business, now you wanna gun down a police captain! Why? Because he slapped you in the face a little bit. What do you think this the Army where you shoot them from a mile away? You're gonna get up close like this and BADA BING you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit?"

Duvall: "I was about to come up and wake you just now and tell you... They shot Sonny on the causeway... He's DEAD!" (that WHOLE scene)

Last edited by ATown8814; 10/26/09 05:22 PM.