I haven't heard that song in ages. lol Heck of a song to have stuck in your head. LMAO

Geoff, where have you been? How's the new house? Unpack all your junk yet? wink

RE: Speaking English..my father always tells the story of when he was a young boy and had to go to the first day of school with his mother who didn't speak English. My dad would have to translate to the teacher what my grandma said. My grandmother told my dad to tell the teacher that if he misbehaves, she can spank him. Then he said, my grandmother would look at him waving her finger at him and say, "and if you come home and cry because you were spanked, you'll get another spanking." He laughs that as a little kid he hated telling his teacher that.

Wouldn't that go over so well today? eek

Oh, and my grandparents would tell all there kids to "learn English, speak English well and wherever you go, BUT in the house speak Italian. My grandfathers both worked and from what I understand spoke English, not so for grandmothers, although one of them understood more English.
Just thought I'd share.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon