Is sitting around on the sofa playing board games with your family no more than an old memory? anyone still doing that today or do you all turn on the TV once dinner is over? (that is unless it was already on DURING which case you guys are really helpless grin )

I remember growing up playing all kinds of board games with my family, after dinner. As soon as we were done eating, my little brother brought his monopoly and that was the most popular game in my house. We also played card games and sometimes we played "Snakes and Ladders" cos my lil bro insisted. But damn I HATED monopoly! maybe because most of the time I got myself stuck in jail (and there was no klydon in sight). But both my parents loved playing with us after dinner, and those were really wonderful times.

I know you probably have some outdoor family pastimes, but I'm asking about spending time inside the house. If you guys do play board games with your family despite owning a TV set, then please, by all means, mention which games. I wonder if Monopoly is going still.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)