AWESOME show dude, your right, one of the best idea's around currently. Who'da thunk Bryan
Cranston could deliver the goods so well? To me, that character is like his Tony
Soprano; he's owned the role, and his work is being recognized.

Love the idea, dig the story-lines, totally sympathize with Walt. I mean, the
poor guy not only has a shitty teaching job that he could have done so much better
than, with students that constantly break balls and give him a hard time,
not only has he got a naggy wife with a bun in the oven, as well as a mell-meaning son
who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, after all this, he gets diagnosed with cancer, the poor bastard.
And thats all in the first episode. Sheesh. I for one, while
recognizing what he resorts to is essentially wrong, cant judge him to harshly.
Its gonna be done in any case, why not his product?

It captures that seedy, run-down and dangerous vibe you notice in all those American West Meth Epidemic documetary's.

I hate Jesse Pinkman. I argue with my brother over this, cuz he like's the character;
thinks he's "cool". I hate his snivelling face, his voice, his clothes, his whole look.
Mind you, i hate the character. I think Aaron Paul plays him well enough, though not
as inspired as some. Jesse's three goons (Badger, Combo and Skinny Pete) are played to
a slightly stupid, thuggish and sleazy perfection, and the "bad-guys", the rival dealers,
are pretty mean; especially that Tuco. The guy outta Blood In, Blood Out, a Vato Loco?
the dude getting high with Joselito, who pass out while the kid od's on the leftover
heroin? He always plays the mexican thug/home-boy, and in thois he plays a murderous
psychopath. The cast are capable, but in particular i enjoy R.J Mitte's scene's, Walt's
son. The guy really has Cerebral Palsy (i actually thought he was acting at first)
and most of the young dude's scenes are just awesome. I mean, some of his are the most
powerful scenes in the series, and his are relegated to Walts home-life, away from the
streets! Dean Norris goes alright as well, though the guy looks like the Thing, not
necessarily a bad thing.

Giancarlo Esposito comes in through season 2 as a high-level meth dealer, and Danny Trejo gets a
small cameo as well (the knife guy in Desperado) The first series was only six episodes
long, which i though would be the norm for it. Apparently though, it was simply on
account of the 2007/8 Writers Strike, and the second series ran for a full twelve
episodes. Happily, i learnt a while back that a third series is definetly in production
with plans for a fourth. They've shown the first two series where i am.

Love it, love it, love it. Love it.
