I really enjoy Italian movies about the mafia and crime, they can be really poignant at times; Man of Glass (the story of early Cosa Nostra defector Leonardp Vitale), One Hundred Steps (about Peppino Impastato) and there's one i think called Crime Story, about a young crew of Romans (or Milanese - i cant remember) that try and make it to the top of the crime ladder, striking deals with Sicilian mafiosi and taking out a Calabrian mobster.

I cant remember the Italian translations for these movies, theres heaps of other cool ones as well. They deal with mob and mafia stories from such interesting perspectives and with such a different approach: Mob Drama almost instead of the dark comedy of the American gangster film prototype. An example is this movie (which dammit i cant remember the name of) in which a crew of Southern Italian criminals kidnap the son of a wealthy couple and hold him ransom. What's intersting is that the story unfolds through the eyes of a ringleaders son, who strikes up a friendship of sorts with the child he slowly learns his father has "stolen".

Damn it, i'll have to google that shit now.
