Sorry, I've been MIA guys. As I wrote in the baseball thread, work has been really, really busy (up until 4 am busy) so I'm swamped right now. In any case, I wanted to alert you guys to a trade:

IM receives:
Matt Schaub (Hou - QB)
Antonio Bryant (TB - WR)
Marion Barber (Dal - RB)
Correll Buckhalter (Den - RB)
Dwayne Bowe (KC - WR)

LN receives:
Philip Rivers (SD - QB)
Marques Colston (NO - WR)
Donald Driver (GB - WR)
Jonathan Stewart (Car - RB)

IM to drop:
Jeremy Maclin (Phi - WR)

Large trades are always so unwieldy to analyze. LN is receiving two #1 receivers on really good passing teams and the better of the two QBs in exchanging for giving up two #1 WRs on really bad passing teams and the worst of the two QBs. To compensate for this, he'll be giving up an injured stud RB.