Once again thanks for all the well wishes. Replies like this remind me of what a great board we have here.

I keep forgetting to load the pics onto a USB from Mia's computer and put them onto mine. Will soon.

It's been a good first four days. The breastfeeding can get a little tricky for them, But she seems to be getting enough colostrum/Milk. No word of a lie, when she's crying/screaming!!! I'm the only one who she stops crying for when I pick her up haha. It's my deep voice I reckon. She's also starting to realize it's nicer sleeping with Mummy and Daddy as opposed to her crib haha she won't have a bar of it.

I feel sorry for Mia's breasts though, they're looking pretty messed up and sore. She;s hoping to start expressing the milk soon.

But all in all, I'm extremely proud and full of joy and pride. I knew I'd bond with her, But never knew how much. It kinda sucks that I have to go on tour soon around the country to promote my new album. I worked so hard getting this album out and now it's like I'd rather be saying "shhh shhh shhh" to a crying baby. haha

The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It's the same thing, fear, but it's what you do with it that matters. Cus D'Amato