Hi, everyone...after a week of knowing but awaiting confirmation, just got word from the Dr. today that pathology tests show my mother has a malignancy in her uterus.

The good news, according to this doctor, is that the survival rate is very high for this type of cancer, even in women of her age (80). He literally said that if a woman has to get cancer, this is the best one to get.

My mother's spirits are good, and for the moment she is open to discussion of treatment. We've been referred to another OB GYN whom I'll call tomorrow for an appointment. Hopefully, with a hysterectomy and maybe some radiation, (and cooperation on her part), the gal's got a few good years left in her.

No more kids, though...(we've been teasing her with that one for over a week).

Shoutout to Mig...I'll be thinking of your father, best wishes that he'll get over this hurdle.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.