Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I've also read "The Family", which talked about how The Family evolved. The author went way back to when Manson was a student of The Process and Scientology, and borrowed heavily from both to form his preachings. The book talks about Manson and Mary Brunner, which was the beginning, and then Susan, and the others all joining in. They were all outcasts, and it was sad how desperately they all wanted to be loved, even Charlie.

There were plenty of Family members who didn't kill for him, though. Linda Kasabian, Kitty Lutesinger, Barbara Hoyt, Danny DeCarlo, and so on. And then others did it without a thought. Bugliosi theorized that certain members just had murder in their hearts, and Charlie brought it out in them.

There were several children at the ranch. Most went to private adoptions, but Charlie and Mary's son was raised by her parents, and has publicly acknowledged his parents.

i feel bad for the kids of knowing who there parents are, and how they ended other lifes.

also too is the woman who shot at ford still in jail or has she died?