The fact that one of the random victims was a beautiful starlet, married to a famous director and about a week away from giving birth certainly served to further sensationalize an already incredible mass murder. But in all the times I've seen the story discussed or profiled over the years, I never thought of the other victims as being 'forgotten'.

I've seen that photos of the bodies, both at the scene and during autopsy, have been released. For many years, murder scene photos of the victims were whited out in silhouette. (Unfortunately, my curiosity recently got the best of me.)

I believe it was Susan Atkins who did the job on Sharon Tate. Atkins mentioned later that she briefly considered cutting the baby out of Tate's body. Anyone who could so brutally murder a visibly pregnant woman, pleading for the life of her child, and then write 'PIG' on a door with that woman's blood...deserved to die in prison. No matter how sick she was.

What many people forget is that the Manson gang had been sentenced to die when the death penalty was abolished, thereby commuting them to life in prison.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.