Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Friday, 9/25, 38 years of wedded bliss. Going up to NYC. Saturday matinee "Hair", saw the original 40+ years ago. This time with my 30 year old daughter. Should be interesting. In 1968 it was soooooo relevant. Let the Sunshine IN.

MC, first of all, a big congratulations to you and Mrs. MC. I wish you two many many more years. You should pat yourselves on the back for such a great accomplishment. wink

Secondly, Hair. Oh yes, so many great numbers from that musical and that era. I never did see it but really wanted to at the time. It was very big. Tell me, doesn't the cast go nude at the end? grin Or am I thinking of another broadway musical. Just wondering. tongue


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 09/24/09 09:28 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon