Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

BTW Christina, welcome back! Where have you been? I think I speak for many when I say that I hope you stick around. I am looking forward to once again reading the interesting posts that you make.

Benvenuti a casa!

Ah, Don Cardi, you remember me! Back in May, I received a PM from gangsterbb.net inviting me to reply to the topic "GBB Ultimate Comeback" (in General Discussions). I guess that topic was to see what became of "dormant" members. I just replied (four months after the PM, but hey, better late than never is what I say grin ).

Various events/issues led to my slowing down of internet activities (work commitments, periods of low energy, forgetfulness, etc., etc.). Thank you for the warm welcome (or, rather, the "re-welcome"). Hopefully I'll remember to post something once in a while. The problem is this board can be quite addictive. If I have work to do, I'm almost afraid to visit here because once I start reading, I'm amazed at how quickly the time goes by. I'm just too undisciplined!