I saw a variation of this question on the Internet Movie Dbase a while back. But even before I saw it, I had thought of this myself and wanted to ask it here.

Think back to the first time you watched The Godfather Part II. At what point in the movie did you think, "Wow, this is going to be great like its predecessor"?

Speaking for myself, I just knew, within ten minutes or so, that this was going to be as top notch as the first one. When I saw the opulent party scene -- the drunk Deanna, the oily Senator Geary, the outspoken yet comical Pentangelli -- I observed the same high production values and classy acting that was a hallmark of GFI. The characters were colourful and individualized, plus every subtlety introduced conflict right away. I immediately got the feeling that something sinister was in the air.

When did you all get your "epiphanies"?