I use the same system Don Sicilia implemented in my league. It's just to give everyone a fair shot at acquiring a player. The teams at the bottom of the standings should have more of a chance to improve with a roster move than the team in 1st or 2nd place.

I imagine that the decision went down something like this:

Longneck: "Who ordered the change in the waiver rules after the draft?

J Geoff: "It was the moderator."

Just Lou: "Yeah, I know. But who gave the order? I know I didn't."

J Geoff: "There was this kid I grew up with - he was younger than me. We played in our first fantasy leagues together. This was a man of vision and guts. Later, he had an idea to manage an online fantasy sports website as a stopover from the daily grind. That kid's name was Don Sicilia and the game he invented was Gangster BB Fantasy Football. Sometimes he has to make tough choices that not everyone agrees with...so when he made an adjustment to the waiver rules, I let it go. I knew Don Sicilia was busy and headstrong, always rooting for his Chicago teams. And I said to myself 'This is the fantasy football league we have chosen.' I didn't ask why the change was made because it had nothing to do with business!"