I have a horrible, horrible time trying to get to sleep. If I have a few drinks, come home at 2-3 in the morning, and then drop face first in my bed, I'll be able to go to sleep no problem. But if I'm sober, it really is a horror. For me, going to bed is basically like dying every night. It's dark, quiet, and lonely frown. I'll twist and turn, thinking of all the problems in my anxiety ridden mind. If I am able to get sleep within 40 minutes, a successful night has been had.

Then again, I know people that can sleep the second they close their eyes! What takes me a xanax, 2 glasses of red wine, and a quick release session, they can do naturally!

So, I want to know what you are. Can you sleep easily, or does it take a good, long while for you to make it through the night?