I like the new rule. I used to play in a league that had a similar rule, but the weekly waiver priority was set each week in order of first to last. So whoever was in last place at the end of each weekend had the number one pick.

I think it's a fair rule like DB said, because those who are able to sit around all day on Sunday waiting for injuries and then quickly swiping the backups off of waivers now have to wait for two days giving everyone a fair chance. That way the rich don't always get richer unless they saved their waiver priority wisely.

Also, it changes the strategy a little. If you think there is a good backup out there with a chance the starter might get injured, you can pick him up ahead of time in anticipation of an injury. If you take a chance and wait then there might be a chance that half the league can pick him up once the injury becomes reality. So trying to predict what might happen becomes more of a strategy.

Last edited by Blibbleblabble; 09/12/09 01:24 AM.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes