Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
If you do a simple Google search, tons of articles will pop up, Mig. As the President said last night, just as we are required to have automobile insurance, everyone in the United States will be required to have health insurance. There is an idea floating around to fine people who want to refuse to have ANY insurance.

Under the current system, if an uninsured person goes to the hospital, they can't be refused care. Guess who pays for those visits? Taxpayers.

If you already have insurance, then you DO NOT have to buy anything. You DO NOT have to do anything. You keep your current insurance.

If you don't have insurance, or your employer doesn't offer affordable insurance, or if you are self-employed and are paying crippling premiums, then you can purchase the public option. If you can't afford the public option, then subsidies will be made available.

well that insurence better not worth as much to those who cant afford it right now