Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

I find it quite ironic and hypocritical that many of those who had no problem mocking and scrutinizing everything that our last President did are now up in arms when this President is scrutinized and questioned for what he is doing.

I agree.

To use a horrible cliche: It is what it is. It's the people who vote for party above candidate who continue to behave like this. These people are loons. When I see how petty they can be (Democrats and Republicans), I'm happy to be an Independent.

Let's be honest, if it were President Huckabee or President Thompson who decided to give a speech to our children, would the righties have been up in arms?

The answer is a big fat NO. But the lefties would've been.

Bottom line: If it's your guy, you keep your mouth shut. If it's not your guy, you scream your head off. That's partisan politics.

You can keep them.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.