Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Apple, Just curious. Do you EVER have anything nice to say??

A. The President didn't "dumb down" his speech. He was speaking to a broad spectrum of children of all ages, from a multitude of educational and socio-economic levels, in rural, urban and suburban areas across a rather diverse country.

B. Thank God your daughter knows enough to stay in school and doesn't have to be told. Consider yourself blessed. However, there are many children out there who need to hear it over and over, and it helps that it comes from a man who has achieved the highest office in the land after very humble beginnings. Those are the children that need to hear it the most.

C. Given that our children are constantly exposed to drugs, to alcohol, to other kids cutting classes to smoke, do drugs and drink alcohol, then it's a message that bears repeating, I don't care how great your kid is.

This President cares about our youth. Good for him. He understands that they are the future of this country.

this is the best way of explaining obama's actions to talk to the students. and, this is probably the best person(besides parents) to tell your kids to stay in school, and do well.