Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

Now that it's all over, thank goodness for Barack Obama telling my child how important it is to stay in school...I just don't know HOW I would've convinced her without his help!!


Perhaps your daughter is fortunate enough to have a parent that is hands on and cares enought to stress the importance of a good education and what it means for her future. My children are fortunate enought to have parents that are hands on who care enough to continue to stress the imortance of a good education to them and what it means for thier future.

Unfortunately there are many many children out there who are not as fortunate as your daughter and my children. Many children out there have a parent or parents who do not have the time to teach them about the importance of a good education. And what's even more scary is that there are many many so called parents out there who don't care enought to teach their children about going to school and getting a good education because as far as many of those parents are concerned school is nothing more than a place for them to drop their kids off for 5 - 6 hours a day. Many of these ignorant parents out there view school as nothing more than a baby sitting service!

So like this President or not, many children, children who have absolutely no clue and have not had any direction in their lives, widen their eyes and open thier ears when someone like The President Of The United States Of America reaches out to them and offers to provide them with advice and direction.

I'd rather have the President Of The United States speak to these children about education and success and lead by example than have these children look up to and listen to some steroid using drug inducing uneducated sports figure who really couldn't give two fucks about these children and their future.

People like you and I, who are hands on parents, sometimes forget to think outside the box and we just assume that all the other children out there also have parents who care enough to guide them and point them in the right direction. Unfortuantely many do not.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.