Is the world moving just a bit too fast for you? High-speed internet, instant messaging, faster connections, everything is just faster-faster, faster!? Now-days, it seems like everyone is talking about the latest buzz, newest fads, what's in and what's out.

But if you need something that's enduring, something that's charming, classic, and cool, then calm yourself with classical music. Classical music takes its time, telling you a story and painting a musical picture that can't be rushed.

Be it from the Baroque to Bartok; from the early days of the Medieval Gregorian chants and right up to the post-classical composers of today, classical music is always there for you no matter what your mood. Essential is almost each and every form of musical expression, classical music encompasses a virtually infinite spectrum of sounds, style, and information.

A thread dedicated to music lovers young and old.

(The Mozart family: Leopold, Wolfgang, and Nannerl. Circa 1763)