Originally Posted By: Patrick
... who does that leave for the GOP? Jeb has ruled out a run and I don't think the US could vote for another Bush. Rudy, IMO, does not have what it takes to lead. He did good as Mayor after 9/11, but I think his time may have come and gone as well. He got swamped in that Florida primary that he was depending on winning. Maybe Charlie Crist?

You're looking at old news names. (By the way I never had confidence in Rudy for 2008. His leadership after 9/11 alone was simply not enough to qualify him as a presidential candidate.)

The 2012 GOP nominee IMO has yet to emerge. It's not going to be anyone we are talking about now. Like Jimmy (who?) Carter he will rise up seemingly from out of nowhere.

Originally Posted By: Patrick
...I think the GOP's best bet would be to nominate a moderate...The reason Obama won is because he is a realist....

The GOP just DID nominate a 'moderate' and the reason Obama won is that 'moderate' virtually handed him the presidency on a silver platter by running one of the most ineffective campaigns in history and acting like he was happy to finally get the nomination he wanted 8 years earlier, and didn't really care whether he actually became President or not.

In fact, McCain's would've definitely been a one-term presidency and Obama's winning is probably the BEST thing that could've happened to the GOP.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.