Hi TIS, I just started my senior year. Time flies! I am doing ok, just taking classes and working 2 jobs right now. I have been bouncing at a bar for over a year now and I just started working at a law firm uptown as an office clerk.

Apple--IMO, Romney does not have the ability to relate himself to the middle class or anyone center or center-left. He is extremely conservative and yes, his healthcare reform in MA would definitely hurt his credibility with that issue. But who does that leave for the GOP? Jeb has ruled out a run and I don't think the US could vote for another Bush. Rudy, IMO, does not have what it takes to lead. He did good as Mayor after 9/11, but I think his time may have come and gone as well. He got swamped in that Florida primary that he was depending on winning. Maybe Charlie Crist?

I think the GOP's best bet would be to nominate a moderate, someone who supports a women's right to choose, supports the 2nd Amendment, and someone who is not afraid to use the veto pen to set Congress straight. Democrats or Republicans are BOTH responsible for the debt and deficit we have now. IMO, the American people will not vote for a Republican nominee who continues to play the blame game. The reason Obama won is because he is a realist. He spoke what the American people thought about government, Wall Street, and major corporations, especially oil companies and banks.

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur