Originally Posted By: olivant

"A green piece of paper should not determine whether you can get life or non life threatening treatment." It does not determine so. Both federal law and hospital policies address treatment of any emeergency room patient.

"A professor with a B.A. in political science and an M.A. in international relations cannot get the same coverage as a hooker in Germany." Yes a professor can when he/she pays for the level of coverage desired.

Ummm, you are saying a green piece of paper does not determine so, yet you say that my professor can PAY for the coverage he needs. He should not have to pay that ridiculous amount. Insurance company execs are living lavish lifestyles because they make bank off of sick or ailing people. It is unethical and immoral. It always comes down to that green piece of paper, and it quite simply should not. There is a revolution happening in America right now. If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Originally Posted By: olivant

By the way, the German health system is not based on a "right" As of 2007, all German citizens are required to obtain health insurance. through the Nation's public insurance option or of a company provider. The entire system is under tremendous financial strain. Public option co-pays are being increased and participants can be require to pay up to 15% of their annual gross income.

Actually, Germany's health coverage is 10.8 % of the GDP, it is over 16 % in the US. And if we do nothing to reform healthcare, it will be over 50 % of our GDP by 2025.

I am all for free markets and principles, however, I have always believed that if problems pursue that we (the public) cannot fix on our own, then it is the government who is responsible to fix the problem. Healthcare is only step 1. The more pundits delay this, the longer it will take to reform energy policy and the grip some of our foes in the Middle East have on us will only continue to grow.

I think most of the people against reform do not realize that each time the uninsured get sick, they go to the ER. Who foots that bill? The taxpayers. Would you rather continue down that path?

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur