Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
... I don't understand what is supposedly so objectionable that you would refuse your daughter a day of education, Apple. You said that you felt it was intrusive of the President to take your daughter away from her lessons, but it's perfectly fine to have her miss an entire DAY of school to miss his speech?? This makes NO sense...

I must admit I had thought about that very thing...wouldn't it be ridiculous to have her miss an entire day just to repel this 'address' and the 'lessons' that either precede or follow. Although it looks like I won't have to make that decision, I have to say that it would've been 'yes' on principle. And I doubt I would've been the only parent in the USA to do so.

Why? Because of reasons I've already stated in addition to that my child doesn't need the President of the US tell her what teachers, principals, parents and role models have been telling children for years. The importance of a good education. Yes, other Presidents have delivered the same messages, while personally visiting individual schools/classrooms, not this way.

Yes, Obama IS the President and he is OUR President and I share that with my daughter and do not deny it (unlike many others prominent and otherwise did w/ regard to his predecessor). It's wonderful that he has already inspired so many young people, both before and since taking Office. But he and his administration must be sent a message that he is NOT to infiltrate every aspect of our lives. He needs to get familiar with the Oval Office and start doing his job.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.