Took my mother to the doctor today. What a nightmare! Not her condition, but getting her there in the first place!!

Even though I had taken the day off from work and she agreed to the appointment YESTERDAY, when I got to her house she refused to go. It took me, my brother, my sister and ALL FOUR of her grandchildren to get involved before she finally got up & got in the car. By that time, everyone was either in tears or hysterics. We barely made it in time for the appointment.

And THAT was just a pre-surgery examination!! Barring lack of 'clearance' from her primary Dr. due to bad bloodwork or something, she's got a procedure scheduled for 9/ already dreading getting her to the hospital by 7am for admittance paperwork. I can almost guarantee she'll refuse to go. Then what?

I remember my mom going through similar stuff w/ my grandmother when we were teenagers. It was aweful to watch and my mother is acting this way at a MUCH younger age. Actually, she's been blissfully sinking into old age & feebleness for years, even from before my dad died. What a shame.

All of you out there who have aging but active parents who UNDERSTAND what's necessary for their health & well grateful for for what you've got. I don't wish this on my worst enemy.

Thanks for letting me vent.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.