People who don't think the JFK murder was a huge conspiracy don't know what's up. They don't even know about the grassy knoll. What about all those people who later mysteriously died who knew something about the murder. There were four LCN families involved and they were the Trafficante family, New Orleans family, Chicago Outfit and the Dallas family. The Eastern families had nothing to do with it. These mob groups were mad at him because John and his brother Robert were going after the mob. That was after the mob helped get him elected. But it wasn't just the mob either. The CIA and Anti Castro Cubans were mixed involved in the assasination. The CIA and Cubans were mad at him for pulling out of the Bay of Pigs. Even VP Johnson was pissed at him for not wanting to start the war in Vietnam. I think guys like Robert Groden are saints. His films are the best proof of the conspiracy to kill the President. Oswald was just a damn patsy like he said. They used the man. I'm not saying he was not involved but not at a high level. If you see the actual film you will notice folks running up the grassy knoll to where they heard shots fired. There were three locations where shots were fired, one was the grassy knoll and the other was the school book depository. The third shot came from a storm drain. They say Chicago mobster Johnny Roselli shot Kennedy from inside a storm drain. The reasons why they don't want to open the files on the killing is because there's still some guys within our government who were involved in it.