Originally Posted By: DiMaggio68
Originally Posted By: Blackie
no offense but nobody "wants" to be italian trust me my friend dan mondini doesn't enjoy it and he gets mafia shit for it plus he is behind in line for work except for irish americans african americans and south americans cuz he just loafs around oh and don't even get me started on his failed e-waste hauling business lmfao

Why do you always have to put down Italians? You do it on almost every post and then try to cover up your racist views by saying you have an Italian friend or that you were just talking about Mobsters.

I have that very same question.

Blackie, I have explained several thing wrong with your "All Italians/Mobsters are Fat morons" statements and you still persist with them.

I am now Formally asking you to cease-and-desist with your Racist/Prejudice (however you see them) statements.

Thank you.

He - (Simón Bolívar) - was shaken by the overwhelming revelation that the headlong race between his misfortunes and his dreams was at that moment reaching the finishing line. The rest was darkness. "Damn it," He sighed. "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!"

So what’s the labyrinth?

That’s the mystery isn’t it? Is the labyrinth living or dying? Which is he trying to escape - the world, or, the end of it?