Originally Posted By: Blackie
I knew it street gangs even irish ones outnumber the fat old white italian guys 10 to one and i don't think i could shave my head for that skin head gang it doesn't compare to real irish oc plus most irish criminals i know are connected to lots of races there is no other way i mean not many full irish people still live in the bay area white is the minority ehtnic street gangs rule now

Italian is not really white. For sure we're not as pale skinned as an Irish person. Except the black Irish are pretty tan i will say. However, they can only be seen in Galway and near by towns. I've met some who are mixed with black Irish blood here, but not full blooded ones. Now the usual red headed or blond haired Irish dude on the other hand are as white as it gets.

Not all Italians are fat either. That was not very kind bro.

Last edited by DiMaggio68; 08/26/09 02:02 PM.