Originally Posted By: Italian_Mafia_Boss
I'm still surprised Henry Hill isn't dead by now.

Most of the guys that he hurt are long dead by now. The ones who aren't are either jailed for life or realize that killing such a high profile rat would be terrible business. The Feds would never let up on them.

That's one of the myths that we've discussed in another thread, that wiseguys will always hunt a rat to the end of the earth. While that may very well be true in some instances, it's not always the case. It's just impractical at times, especially in such high profile cases.

If the Luccheses still wanted Hill dead, he'd be dead. End of story. The guy is a fucking moron, incapable of keeping a low profile. He's never been that hard to find. Christ, he's on Youtube every other day lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.