Yeah, I still have my portable CD player I use when I'm on the bus. My boss laughs especially since he's a few years older than me and he has an Ipod. I might put one on my Christmas list this year. It'll be good also for the treadmill at the gym. That shouldn't be too big a request since my daughter's getting a new tv for Christmas.

She's the technology buff in my family. I only always had the free cell phones. Every time she updgraded, I'll just take her hand me down better phone. I'm actually just using her old blackberry. I don't use it for that purpose, I only use it as a phone. The camera part of it is broke, so after our cruise she's gonna switch and get an Iphone from AT&T. Then I'll get her good blackberry she has now. See, this is how I save money in this recession. I love free hand me downs.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.