Originally Posted By: Mignon

Another sign of teething is diarrhea. Is she having any?

She is such a doll. I bet you can't wait to take her to a Colt's game huh?

Molly usually needs laxatives in order to go but she has been able to go on her own, does that count?

I wanted to take her to the Colts-Vikings preseason game last friday since I was in Indy anyways, but logistics didn't work out....

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
How cute!!!!! smile I like the bow in her hair. So girly. You know I can see she looks a little like you, no??? I'll be she's a real daddy's girl though.

She's beautiful LN. Cherish every moment. Babies require a lot of attention for sure, but they go through so many neat stages. It's fun to watch them grow.


Poor girl has my huge ears... I love every second of being with her. That was my favorite part about going to training camp. Spending 24 hours a day for 5 days in a row with my baby girl.

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.