Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Yeah, but the series is set in the 21st century.

As far as the hundreds of years, how do you know? And please, don't tell me "because my family told me so." You were challenged in the real life threads by both Don Cardi and Turnbull, who are both your intellectual superiors, and all you could come up with was, "because my family told me so."

You make post after post without stating source material, then you get mad when you're continually challenged.

Pizzaboy, with the amount of immaturity presented by many of the users on this board Don Cardi and Turnbull are far from being my intellectual superiors, when we're talking about the Mafia, I know for a fact I am much more intellectual superior than most if not all of the people on hear, from what I've noticed most people on hear think they know it all when they are completely wrong, I know the Mafia inside and out but I am forbidden to explain how I know, I have the facts and I know the facts but I am forbidden to show or explain the facts, I can tell you the facts but you are just gonna have to take my word for it, at least I know that I know the truth. No one on hear is able to provide source material, probably because it's either inaccurate or source material can not be found, so you have no right to tell me that I need to provide source material when no one on hear is able to do so even though I am able to do so, but like I said I am forbidden to do so. If you want to find out the truth from the source, join the Mafia and see for yourself.

Ya know one thing about us wise guys? The hustle never ends.- Tony Soprano